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Projects are simply a goal, pursued by people, working under given circumstances.


You have more control than you might think.




Risk & Reliability



Actions speak louder than words, more so when things aren't going to plan.

Get directly involved, and find out:

   -  who's behaviour needs to change?

   -  what circumstances need to change?

Time to review your operational risks.

It's likely you've triggered some.



Get the most important parts working.......

project management with Albany Global

Major construction project design delivery accelerated 65% above plan

by setting new goals and leading a fresh mindset

Contact us at

Project Management ǀ Risk Mitigation ǀ Fast-tracking & Optimisation ǀ Major Claims & Dispute Resolution

Technical Innovation ǀ Dispute Avoidance ǀ Insurance ǀ Governance & Relationships ǀ EPC, D&C, PPP Experience

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